Monday, November 14, 2016

1.       With the upcoming holidays, allot of people start to think of cranberries.  Given the nutrition that cranberries provide, it’s a shame we don’t think of them more often.  Not only are cranberries delicious (especially dried) they are an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, and have anti-cancer benefits.  They also provide us with many vitamins that our bodies need daily.  At Hawthorn, we offer dried cranberries weekly on our salad bars and also use them in our delicious and nutritious broccoli salad.  November 23rd is “Eat A Cranberry Day.”

2.      November 14th is World Diabetes Day.  Type 2 diabetes is the most common form.  57 million adults have pre-diabetes which almost always leads to Type 2.*  One way to delay and possibly prevent Type 2 diabetes is by eating healthier.  Follow Hawthorn’s lead by adding vegetables and fruits to your diet.  Don’t forget to eat lean meats, whole grains and low-fat dairy too.

*Info from America Diabetes Association